
The Globe and Mail features Sanku’s contribution to ending malnutrition in East Africa

“Getting to children in those first 1,000 days of life is the foundation for all other development.” Felix Brooks-church, our CEO, speaking to The Globe and Mail, courtesy of Rolex,…

eRotary Club of Silicon Valley

Rotary e-Club of Silicon Valley

Rushton Hurley of The Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley, known for connecting with experts and passionate individuals to discuss vital topics, hosted us to share our mission of ending hidden…

Hope is a Verb podcast

Future Crunch Hope is a Verb Podcast

Future Crunch featured Sanku in their ‘Hope Is A Verb’ Podcast. Listen to Felix Brooks-church, our Co-Founder and CEO, talking to Angus Hervey, Co-Founder of Future Crunch, and Amy Rose,…

Fortifying foods improves nutrition
Fortification Standards Milestones News

Sanku signed the LSFF resolution at the WHA in May

On the 23rd of May, The 76th World Health Assembly deliberated the large-scale food fortification resolution, aiming to address hidden hunger that affects 50% of preschool-aged children and 67% of…


The Straits Times highlights our positive impact

Access to a healthy meal every day can be a challenge for many. In Low and middle-income countries, it is almost impossible for most of the population. Poor access to…

Do One Better with Alberto Lidji

Healthy food is a basic human right

“Nutritious food is a basic human right. Just having your belly full is not enough; that causes what is called ‘hidden hunger.’ You are starving from a lack of nutrients,…

Fortification Standards News

Enhancing Collaboration and Research

“Fortification is a costly process. I want to acknowledge Sanku’s effort in ensuring that small-scale millers can produce quality fortified flour. We will use the Dosifier unit to demonstrate the…

Fortification Standards News

New Study Provides Alarming Insights Into the Prevalence of Micronutrient Deficiencies Worldwide

A new study by the Micronutrient Forum, GAIN and USAID indicates that one in two children worldwide are iron, zinc or vitamin A deficient, while two-thirds women of reproductive age…

Felix Brooks-church
News Video

A Masterclass with the World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator

Sanku’s co-founder & CEO, Felix Brooks-church was invited to speak at a masterclass on how innovations can transform the path towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) organised by World…

a warehouse room full of Sanku flour bags

Elpais Article: Harina enriquecida para acabar con el “hambre oculta”

¿Hablas español? In this article featured in El Pais, a leading Spanish newspaper, Sanku’s co-founder & CEO,Felix Brooks-church speaks about our work in East Africa partnering with small mills to…