Milestones News

1 Million People Daily…

We’ve doubled our reach this fiscal year, feeding 1 million people for less than a dollar per person annually. The evidence of our growth is highlighted throughout this newsletter, where many…

Awards News

Sanku-PHC Wins Product of the Year Awards!

During the month of August, Sanku-Project Healthy Children not only reached 1 million people with nutritious lifesaving foods but also won the IoT Evolution Product of the Year Awards. Partnering…

Fortification Standards News

A Momentous Achievement: Food Fortification is now Mandatory in Zimbabwe!

A Momentous Achievement: Food Fortification is now Mandatory in Zimbabwe!  Food fortification is now mandatory in Zimbabwe. With 72% of children under the age 6 being iron deficient, and 31%…

Fortification Standards News

PHC’s April News: Malawi and Zimbabwe are highlighted at a regional meeting and PHC is featured as an April non-profit of the month

In March, the Second Workshop on Human Capacity Building to Monitor Nutritious and Fortified Foods in the East, Central, and Southern Africa (ECSA) Region was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia….


Fortification’s Key Role in Urban Settings: PHC Publishes in Innovating for Healthy Urbanization

PHC is proud to be a part of Springer’s new textbook Innovating for Healthy Urbanization edited by Roy Ahn, Thomas F. Burke, and Anita M. McGahan. PHC authors address the…

Fortification Standards News

A Momentous Achievement for Burundi and PHC: Food Fortification Decree Signed!

Burundi’s program took an enormous step forward with the signing of the Presidential Fortification Decree! As of March 2016, after the established grace period, fortification will be mandatory for all…

Fortification Standards News

Fortification Begins in Burundi!

Despite continued political turmoil, as of June 8th, Savonor, Burundi’s only cooking oil facility holding a 60% market share, began fortification!  Initial premix and testing equipment have been generously donated…


Sanku featured in final report of top solutions that save lives!

The Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) has compiled a report: ‘Top Solutions That Save Lives in Humanitarian Response’, which features the Sanku device as one of the top solutions!…

Fortification Standards News

Food fortification standards are officially mandatory in Malawi

The publication and public announcement of Malawi’s Gazette means that fortification standards are mandatory for wheat and maize flour, cooking oil, and sugar throughout the country. Bureau of Standard and…

Fortification Standards News

Burundi’s Largest Cooking Oil Factory to Begin Fortification

Savonor, Burundi’s largest cooking oil facility announced at the end of March that it would begin fortification before the legislative decree is signed. PHC is thrilled by Savonor’s decision, which…