News Video

Delivering the First Locally Produced Nutrient Premix to Our Tanzania Millers

On 31st October 2024, we delivered the first batch of locally produced nutrient premix to our Tanzanian millers, created by local people for local communities using 70% of locally sourced…

Sanku co-founder Felix Brooks-church speaks with Environment Editor for The Times, Adam Vaughan
News Video

How Can We End Hidden Hunger?

In a world of 8 billion people, over 2 billion face hidden hunger every day. With over a billion people in Africa unable to afford a healthy diet, the pressing…

Felix Brooks-church
News Video

A Masterclass with the World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator

Sanku’s co-founder & CEO, Felix Brooks-church was invited to speak at a masterclass on how innovations can transform the path towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) organised by World…

News Video

TED Talk: How Innovation & Technology Can Fight Global Hunger

“I believe that innovation and technology can help tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges. The barrier is our own thinking”. In his recent Ted Talk, Bernhard Kowatsch (Head of…

News Partners Video

USAID’s Feed the Future

Sanku is extremely proud of our long-term partnership with USAID’s Feed the Future Tanzania Nafaka program, which helped develop scalable models to improve the nutritional value of the maize supply…

News Video

Sanku Joins the Nutrition Data Revolution!

Sanku’s CEO, Felix Brooks-church, joined experts from the Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy, Fraym and Terre des Hommes for a webinar organised by Data for Nutrition exploring practical examples of…

Woman with magenta t-shirt that says Choose Love Sanku Project Healthy Children Flash Mob Dancer on the back in white lettering
News Video

Sanku Goes Dancing

Something very exciting happened recently. To celebrate the end of lockdown, Uk-based dance crew, Club Mob, organised 4 Flash Mobs all across London in support of Sanku – so much…

screen capture of video with young woman with baby on her hip looking at an older woman mixing grains
News Video

Game Changer

Italian media group, Instant Future, profiled Sanku’s work to ensure that every meal consumed by those living in disadvantaged countries contains all the nutrients necessary for life. This is one…

Technology to end malnutrition in Africa - Interview with Sanku
News Video

Why Sanku?

Ever wondered how we got our name? Find out about that and much more in this interview between our CEO, Felix Brooks-church, and MySmartTechTv.

Washington Post Climate Solutions: One Clean Plate with Sanku
News Video

Sanku Live with the Washington Post

Sanku’s CEO, Felix Brooks-church, joined Chez Panisse owner, Alice Waters, and Lib Casey from the Washington Post, to discuss food security, climate change and innovative solutions that could make a…