
2021 Rolex Awards Laureate: Sanku CEO Felix Brooks-church

Sanku’s CEO, Felix Brooks-church, was named one of five Laureates of the prestigious Rolex Awards for Enterprise, selected for visionary projects that have the potential to reinvent the future. The Prize funds will cover Sanku’s expansion to improve the nutrition of 200,000 more people in Tanzania.


2021 Rolex Awards Laureate: Sanku CEO Felix Brooks-church


photo of Sanku representative with group of children dressed in bright colors smiling


Sanku featured in New York Times


photo of Sanku representative with group of children dressed in bright colors smiling

Sanku was selected as one of 286 high-impact organizations to receive unrestricted funding from MacKenzie Scott. This grant is a major step in the path to Sanku becoming a 100 million people-reaching organization, and will allow us to continue to innovate and refine our model so that we can reach more people, faster, and sustain our impact.


Sanku featured in New York Times

Tina Rosenberg profiles Sanku and its efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic in The New York Times.


The New York Times logo
woman stirring bag of flour in Hidden Hunger short film

Hidden Hunger: Our Story

We are excited to share Hidden Hunger, a powerful short film that highlights Sanku’s work in East Africa, tackling malnutrition head-on.

Directed by Orit Novak and produced by Nelson Mwangi, the film features inspiring stories from communities actively working to #EndMalnutrition, showcasing the innovative food fortification solutions Sanku is bringing to improve access to healthy diets for vulnerable populations.

Watch the film now, share it widely, and join us in making a meaningful impact. Together, we can make a difference.

In this moving video, Mama Patrick shares her journey of raising a child born with Spina Bifida, a condition where the baby’s spine and spinal cord do not develop properly during pregnancy. Spina Bifida can occur when the neural tube fails to close, often due to poor maternal nutrition, including insufficient intake of folic acid, a critical nutrient in early pregnancy.​

Caring for a Child Living with Spina Bifida

The first 1,000 days of a child’s life, from conception to their second birthday, are critical for laying the foundation for lifelong health and development. During this period, a child’s brain and body grow at an incredible pace, making proper nutrition absolutely vital. Nutritional gaps during this time can have lasting effects on their physical and cognitive development.​

Equally important is ensuring mothers receive adequate nutrition. Without the right nutrients, pregnancy complications increase, potentially affecting both mother and child.​

In this moving video, Mama Patrick shares her journey of raising a child born with Spina Bifida, a condition where the baby’s spine and spinal cord do not develop properly during pregnancy. Spina Bifida can occur when the neural tube fails to close, often due to poor maternal nutrition, including insufficient intake of folic acid, a critical nutrient in early pregnancy.​

Her story highlights the importance of maternal and child nutrition in preventing such conditions and supporting families navigating these challenges.​

Delivering the First Locally Produced Nutrient Premix to Our Tanzania Millers

On 31st October 2024, we delivered the first batch of locally produced nutrient premix to our Tanzanian millers, created by local people for local communities using 70% of locally sourced raw materials. Millers now have access to affordable, high-quality nutrient premix available locally and purchasable in local currency.

Philanthropod featuring Sanku Co-Founder and CEO, Felix Brooks-church

On Philanthropod with The Australian International Development Network

Our Co-Founder and CEO, Felix Brooks-church, recently joined Anubha Rawat on Philanthropod to discuss the critical issue of hidden hunger—a form of malnutrition that affects over two billion people globally, leading to…

Sanku co-founder Felix Brooks-church speaks with Environment Editor for The Times, Adam Vaughan

How Can We End Hidden Hunger?

In a world of 8 billion people, over 2 billion face hidden hunger every day. With over a billion people in Africa unable to afford a healthy diet, the pressing question is: how can we #EndHiddenHunger? Sanku was featured by THE TIMES in partnership with ROLEX on the Planet Hope Podcast, hosted by Adam Vaughan. Our Co-founder and CEO, Felix Brooks-church, discusses the triple burden of malnutrition, his motivation to address this global challenge that claims 8,000 children’s lives daily, and Sanku’s future initiatives across East Africa. Tune in to learn about Sanku’s vision, our IoT-enabled Dosifier, and how we’re making food fortification affordable for millers.

Social Innovation Days 2024

Bayer Foundation’s 2024 Social Innovation Day

The Bayer Foundation’s 2024 Social Innovation Days hosted Sanku and other social innovators in Berlin in June. A big thank you to the Bayer Foundation for the invitation and for supporting our mission.

Felix shared insights on our work in Kenya, where we are positively impacting more than five million people daily. The event brought together 140 entrepreneurs, startups, investors, and partners from 33 countries, facilitating invaluable exchanges and new partnership opportunities.

Pocast Musings with Charlie Bresler and Felix Brooks-church of Sanku

On ‘The Musings’ Podcast with Charlier Bresler

Charlie Bresler, the Executive Director of The Life You Can Save hosted our Co-founder &CEO Felix Brooks-church on the #MusingsPodcast to talk about Sanku’s work in East Africa. Discover how Sanku’s work is reaching more than 10 million people in East Africa every day with essential vitamins and minerals through food fortification by using smart technology and an innovative business model. We aim to reach 30 million people daily by 2026 and 100 million by 2030. Don’t miss out on this inspiring conversation.

Felix Brooks-church speaks at TedX Boston

Can we stop 8000 kids from dying today? Felix Brooks-church speaks at TEDxBoston

Our CEO Felix Brooks-church recently delivered a thought-provoking TEDx talk, and the video is now LIVE!​ His insights from this impactful event, hosted by TEDxBoston, shed light on the critical…

Think Like An Owner podcast

Think Like an Owner Podcast

In Episode 190 of the ‘Think Like an Owner’ podcast hosted by Alex Bridgeman, our CEO, Felix, speaks about ‘Fortifying Flour Across Africa’ and delves into Sanku’s growth and origin story in Nepal, refining the technology, and now a quickly growing enterprise. Listen for insights, inspiration, and a glimpse into Sanku’s journey in making nutrition accessible to millions in Africa!

Fortifying Food Markets report cover

Release of the LSFF Study at the 78th UNGA

On the sidelines of the 78th United Nations General Assembly, the Strategic Fortification Partners, under the Millers for Nutrition (M4N) initiative, launched a report, “Fortifying Food Markets,” co-authored by Jane Nelson, Director, Corporate Responsibility Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School. This report explores the importance of collaborations in food fortification and highlights millers’ crucial role in global nutrition. nutrition. Discover the insights and opportunities for cross-sector collaboration to eliminate systemic barriers hindering food fortification by millers.


The Globe and Mail features Sanku’s contribution to ending malnutrition in East Africa

“Getting to children in those first 1,000 days of life is the foundation for all other development.” Felix Brooks-church, our CEO, speaking to The Globe and Mail, courtesy of Rolex, in an article that examines Sanku’s contribution to the fight to #EndMalnutrition, a silent pandemic affecting 1 in 3 people worldwide.

eRotary Club of Silicon Valley

Rotary e-Club of Silicon Valley

Rushton Hurley of The Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley, known for connecting with experts and passionate individuals to discuss vital topics, hosted us to share our mission of ending hidden hunger in Africa. In this engaging presentation, Felix discusses Sanku’s mission and how we’re impacting the lives of more than seven million Africans by giving them access to nutritious food.

Hope is a Verb podcast

Future Crunch Hope is a Verb Podcast

Future Crunch featured Sanku in their ‘Hope Is A Verb’ Podcast. Listen to Felix Brooks-church, our Co-Founder and CEO, talking to Angus Hervey, Co-Founder of Future Crunch, and Amy Rose, their Creative Director, about the Sanku Dosifier that is at the forefront of ending #HiddenHunger in East Africa. Learn more about the immediate impact of eating fortified staple foods for mothers and children.

Fortifying foods improves nutrition

Sanku signed the LSFF resolution at the WHA in May

On the 23rd of May, The 76th World Health Assembly deliberated the large-scale food fortification resolution, aiming to address hidden hunger that affects 50% of preschool-aged children and 67% of women of reproductive age globally. This followed the passing of the resolution in February, which was signed by more than 50 organizations, including Sanku, to prevent micronutrient deficiencies and related conditions like spina bifida through safe and cost-effective fortification. By supporting the strengthening and expansion of food fortification, we can combat nutrient deficiencies that affect more than two billion people hindering their potential.


The Straits Times highlights our positive impact

Access to a healthy meal every day can be a challenge for many. In Low and middle-income countries, it is almost impossible for most of the population. Poor access to a healthy diet leads to malnutrition. To overcome this, Sanku has devised a cost-effective and sustainable way to improve meals for thousands of families in East Africa. The Strait Times spoke to our CEO Felix Brooks-church about this solution that provides more than five million people access to healthy food every day. 

Do One Better with Alberto Lidji

Healthy food is a basic human right

“Nutritious food is a basic human right. Just having your belly full is not enough; that causes what is called ‘hidden hunger.’ You are starving from a lack of nutrients, which we are combatting.”  

This was Felix, our CEO when he spoke to Alberto Lidji of The Do One Better Knowledge Hub and Podcast.

Enhancing Collaboration and Research

“Fortification is a costly process. I want to acknowledge Sanku’s effort in ensuring that small-scale millers can produce quality fortified flour. We will use the Dosifier unit to demonstrate the fortification process from beginning to end to the small-scale miller who visits our lab,” Prof. Daniel Sila, the head of food fortification at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Learn how Sanku is collaborating with key institutions in Kenya to build support and achieve fortification compliance for small and medium-level millers to benefit vulnerable populations.

New Study Provides Alarming Insights Into the Prevalence of Micronutrient Deficiencies Worldwide

A new study by the Micronutrient Forum, GAIN and USAID indicates that one in two children worldwide are iron, zinc or vitamin A deficient, while two-thirds women of reproductive age suffer from at least one form of micronutrient deficiency.

Micronutrient deficiencies compromise immune systems, hinder child growth and development, affect human potential, and even cause death.

Our mission is to end micronutrient malnutrition by guaranteeing that every meal, for every mother and child, contains life-saving nutrients, forever.

Felix Brooks-church

A Masterclass with the World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator

Sanku’s co-founder & CEO, Felix Brooks-church was invited to speak at a masterclass on how innovations can transform the path towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) organised by World Food Programme (WFP) Innovation Accelerator, in partnership with the WFP Tanzania Country Office. Watch his presentation at the forum here.

a warehouse room full of Sanku flour bags

Elpais Article: Harina enriquecida para acabar con el “hambre oculta”

¿Hablas español? In this article featured in El Pais, a leading Spanish newspaper, Sanku’s co-founder & CEO,Felix Brooks-church speaks about our work in East Africa partnering with small mills to end malnutrition.

A group of millers around a dosifier. Photo Credit: Sanku

Impakter: Sanku, Using Technology To Fight Malnutrition In East Africa

Sanku has fortified more than one billion meals across East Africa, reaching over 3 million people. We are gearing up for exponential growth and are ready to expand our successful model to other countries in the region.” Leah Tronel, Sanku’s Director of Development speaking to IMPAKTER. Learn more about how Sanku is using technology to tackle malnutrition in East Africa.

Effective Charities

Hidden hunger has a devastating impact on children. Eight thousand children pass away every single day. And there’s a relatively simple solution: these children simply need more vitamins and minerals,” said Felix Brooks-church, Sanku’s CEO, speaking to The Guardian. Read more about Sanku, One Acre Fund and Give Directly, effective charities recommended by The Life You Can Save.

TED Talk: How Innovation & Technology Can Fight Global Hunger

I believe that innovation and technology can help tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges. The barrier is our own thinking”. In his recent Ted Talk, Bernhard Kowatsch (Head of the World Food Programme’s Innovation Accelerator) shared how Sanku’s business approach to ending malnutrition is making a huge difference in the lives of three million East Africans. Watch the full video to hear real-life examples of how technology and innovation are changing the world.

Sanku named 2022 Classy Award Winner for Social Innovation

2022 Social Innovation Award

We won a 2022 Social Innovation Award! Thank you to everyone who voted and to LinkedIn for Nonprofits for your support. The Classy Awards honour the most innovative non-profit organisations and we could not be more proud to join this prestigious group that includes Games for Change, Green Bronx Machine, KABOOM!, Nuru International, Trees for the Future, VoteAmerica, Well Aware Nonprofit, World Telehealth Initiative and Yamba Malawi.

USAID’s Feed the Future

Sanku is extremely proud of our long-term partnership with USAID’s Feed the Future Tanzania Nafaka program, which helped develop scalable models to improve the nutritional value of the maize supply chain. We were delighted to participate in a live learning event to celebrate this program, which has improved the lives of so many.

Sanku Joins the Nutrition Data Revolution!

Sanku’s CEO, Felix Brooks-church, joined experts from the Agriculture, Nutrition and Health Academy, Fraym and Terre des Hommes for a webinar organised by Data for Nutrition exploring practical examples of how innovations are addressing the nutrition data gap.

Woman with magenta t-shirt that says Choose Love Sanku Project Healthy Children Flash Mob Dancer on the back in white lettering

Sanku Goes Dancing

Something very exciting happened recently. To celebrate the end of lockdown, Uk-based dance crew, Club Mob, organised 4 Flash Mobs all across London in support of Sanku – so much fun! Watch the full AMAZING video here and see if you can spot the Sanku team’s cameo.

screen capture of video with young woman with baby on her hip looking at an older woman mixing grains

Game Changer

Italian media group, Instant Future, profiled Sanku’s work to ensure that every meal consumed by those living in disadvantaged countries contains all the nutrients necessary for life. This is one way to combat malnutrition, which causes the death of 15 thousand children worldwide every day.

Sanku auf Deutsch: Wie eine einfache Erfindung Mangelernährung beheben soll

Sanku auf Deutsch: Wie eine einfache Erfindung Mangelernährung beheben soll

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Read all about Sanku and our work to end hunger in this article by Der Standard.

Technology to end malnutrition in Africa - Interview with Sanku

Why Sanku?

Ever wondered how we got our name? Find out about that and much more in this interview between our CEO, Felix Brooks-church, and MySmartTechTv.

Washington Post Climate Solutions: One Clean Plate with Sanku

Sanku Live with the Washington Post

Sanku’s CEO, Felix Brooks-church, joined Chez Panisse owner, Alice Waters, and Lib Casey from the Washington Post, to discuss food security, climate change and innovative solutions that could make a real and lasting difference.

Sanku rep stands with a young mother and toddler while pointing at a bag of flour

Sanku featured in Dubai-based Al-Bayan

Dubai-based Al Bayan profiles Sanku’s award-winning work, including its innovative Pink Bag business model that allows small rural mill owners in East Africa to sell fortified branded flour for the same price as non-fortified flour.

Sanku Rolex Award illustrated video

Ending Hidden Hunger

In this beautifully illustrated video, Sanku’s CEO, Felix Brooks-church, talks about Sanku’s work to end hidden hunger – a condition that affects 2 billion people worldwide, causing mental impairment, poor health, low productivity, and even death. Rolex created this video to announce Felix as one of the 2021 Rolex Awards for Enterprise Laureates. Winning this prize will let Sanku install 40 dosifiers, giving up to 200,000 people in East Africa access to the basic human right of nutritious food.

Felix Brooks-church during a training session at one of Sanku’s partner mills in Tanzania. Photo: WFP/Leah Kidd

Sanku – A 12-year Overnight Success

Felix Brooks-church, Sanku’s CEO, spoke to the World Food Programme‘s Innovation Accelerator about setting up a small-scale food fortification program and challenges in scaling innovation in Africa.

Khalima, a food trader in Tanzania, uses fortified flour to prepare meals for her customers and to feed her family. Photo: WFP/Mussa Yunus

Scaling with the World Food Programme’s Innovation Accelerator

The World Food Programme’s Innovation Accelerator talks about our partnership (sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation). This partnership will allow us to:

  • Scale our work in Tanzania,
  • Pilot our sustainable model for small-scale fortification in new countries,
  • Innovate to refine our model,
  • Reach 400,000 people with nutritious food
Sanku featured in New York Times

Sanku Profiled in the The New York Times

Tina Rosenberg profiled Sanku and its efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic in The New York Times.

Staple Food Fortification Commitment Guide

Staple Food Fortification Commitment Guide

Ahead of the UN Food Systems Summit, UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) and Tokyo Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit, Sanku joined a range of food fortification experts (including the Food Fortification Initiative, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, UNICEF, Helen Keller International, International Zinc Nutrition Consultative Group, Iodine Global Network, Nutrition International, PATH, the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement, TechnoServe, Vitamin Angels, and World Food Programme) to call on national governments, the private sector and donors to commit to fortification.

photo of flour mill operating with Sanku’s fortification technology

How Sanku Made It In Africa

Sanku’s innovative business model for incentivising small mills to fortify their flour was featured in How We Made It In Africa.

Sanku technician training a miller on the use of the dosifier machine.

Sanku’s CEO Discusses Preventing Hidden Hunger in Financial Times

“They have enough food to survive but they’re starving from lack of nutrients“.

In a Financial Times Partner Content article, Sanku’s CEO discusses hidden hunger and how Sanku works with 400+ small mills to prevent it. Read Social climbing: tech for social impact.

2020 World Food Prize side-event: Sanku and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

2020 World Food Prize Side-Event: Sanku and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Sanku co-hosted an official side event to the prestigious International Borlaug Dialogue and World Food Prize Laureate Award Ceremony, held virtually for the first time in history. Sanku’s CEO, Felix Brooks-church was joined by Andreas Bluethner, Director of Nutrition at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, for an interactive roundtable discussion on fortification innovations that drew a Zoom room full of attendees. Don’t worry if you missed it, you can watch it at the link below.

Sanku CEO talk with Prince EA

Sanku CEO InstaLive with Prince Ea

Sanku’s CEO, Felix Brooks-church, went InstaLive with the wonderful Prince Ea to discuss hidden hunger and Elon Musk(?!). Watch and feel inspired.

Sanku CEO Felix Brooks-church TedX July 2020

TEDx: The Journey of a Machine to End Malnutrition | Felix Brooks-church

Watch as our CEO, Felix Brooks-church tells the story of how an idea scribbled on the back of a napkin became 500 dosifier machines providing almost 2 million people with nutritious lifesaving food.

Dr Kihwele demonstrates how he teaches his customers about the benefits of fortification and brings fortified flour to local families

Sanku Celebrates World Flour Day

To celebrate World Flour Day, we asked the Sanku team to tell us about their Flour Heros. Kelvin, Region Manager, introduced us to Dr David Kihwele of Afya Mill. As…

Sanku featured in BORGEN Magazine

A profile of Sanku-Project Healthy Children (PHC) was recently featured in BORGEN Magazine describing how our organization recognized the unmet needs in rural areas worldwide and created a small-scale fortification…

photo of man with bike with stacks of flour bags

Sanku featured in Gexsi Magazine

Sanku was recently featured in Gexsi Magazine’s How a social entrepreneur ends malnutrition at virtually no costs. In the article, the author, Dr Andreas Renner, Co-Founder of Gexsi, describes how Sanku’s model is based on two pillars: 1) an easy-to-handle dosifier to add the blend the right amount of nutrients into the flour and 2) a business model, which allows the miller to operate the scheme at no additional costs.

TIME Best Inventions 2019 – Sanku Dosifier

On November 21st, TIME revealed its annual list of the 100 Best Inventions that are making the world better, smarter and even a bit more fun. Sanku’s Dosifier machine was named to the list of groundbreaking inventions in the Social Good category for its proven ability to add lifesaving nutrients to the foods that over two million people across East Africa depend on daily.

One Billion Meals Fortified

In celebration of the recent World Food Day, Sanku is proud to announce that we have just fortified our one-billionth meal since starting work in 2015. That means one billion…

Fast Company Selects Sanku to World’s Most Innovative List

Fast Company has just announced it’s prestigious 2019 list, which includes the most notable global innovations of the year, linking them with the impact they have on business, industry, and culture….

Sanku Just Fortified Our One Millionth Flour Bag!

Sanku’s millionth flour bag was fortified on February 5, 2019 at Mama Lina’s mill in Tanzania. We commemorated the occasion with a personalized Golden Bag to represent the milestone and amazing work of all our millers. Flour bags are a critical part of our sustainable model, enabling millers to cost-effectively fortify food with lifesaving nutrients for millions of people.

Sanku Wins Sustainability Prize!

CEO Felix Brooks-church accepted the $600,000 prize from His Highness Shaikh Mohammad Bin Zayed, Ruler of Abu Dhabi. Zayed Sustainability Prize received 2100 applications from 130 countries. Ultimately, Sanku was…

1 Million People Daily…

We’ve doubled our reach this fiscal year, feeding 1 million people for less than a dollar per person annually. The evidence of our growth is highlighted throughout this newsletter, where many…

Sanku-PHC Wins Product of the Year Awards!

During the month of August, Sanku-Project Healthy Children not only reached 1 million people with nutritious lifesaving foods but also won the IoT Evolution Product of the Year Awards. Partnering…

A Momentous Achievement: Food Fortification is now Mandatory in Zimbabwe!

A Momentous Achievement: Food Fortification is now Mandatory in Zimbabwe!  Food fortification is now mandatory in Zimbabwe. With 72% of children under the age 6 being iron deficient, and 31%…

PHC’s April News: Malawi and Zimbabwe are highlighted at a regional meeting and PHC is featured as an April non-profit of the month

In March, the Second Workshop on Human Capacity Building to Monitor Nutritious and Fortified Foods in the East, Central, and Southern Africa (ECSA) Region was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia….

Fortification’s Key Role in Urban Settings: PHC Publishes in Innovating for Healthy Urbanization

PHC is proud to be a part of Springer’s new textbook Innovating for Healthy Urbanization edited by Roy Ahn, Thomas F. Burke, and Anita M. McGahan. PHC authors address the…

A Momentous Achievement for Burundi and PHC: Food Fortification Decree Signed!

Burundi’s program took an enormous step forward with the signing of the Presidential Fortification Decree! As of March 2016, after the established grace period, fortification will be mandatory for all…

Fortification Begins in Burundi!

Despite continued political turmoil, as of June 8th, Savonor, Burundi’s only cooking oil facility holding a 60% market share, began fortification!  Initial premix and testing equipment have been generously donated…

Sanku featured in final report of top solutions that save lives!

The Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) has compiled a report: ‘Top Solutions That Save Lives in Humanitarian Response’, which features the Sanku device as one of the top solutions!…

Food fortification standards are officially mandatory in Malawi

The publication and public announcement of Malawi’s Gazette means that fortification standards are mandatory for wheat and maize flour, cooking oil, and sugar throughout the country. Bureau of Standard and…

Burundi’s Largest Cooking Oil Factory to Begin Fortification

Savonor, Burundi’s largest cooking oil facility announced at the end of March that it would begin fortification before the legislative decree is signed. PHC is thrilled by Savonor’s decision, which…

Improving Maternal Health and Beyond

PHC is pleased to be featured in this month’s edition of the SupplySide Boardroom Journal: All About Women (see page 12) along with other similar groups such as Vitamin Angels…

Altruist Recommends PHC as their February Featured Charity

We are pleased to announce that the crowd-sourcing philanthropy site, Altruist, has featured PHC as its charity for February! “When it comes to improving the health of the poor in…

In the Face of Ebola Outbreak, Liberia Begins to Monitor Fortified Foods

Despite the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, Liberia’s fortification program has made impressive strides in the past few months, thanks to our hard-working partners on the ground. Despite the burden…

Food Fortification Standards Now Mandatory in Liberia

July 2014 marks the end of Liberia’s nine month grace period for local industries and importers to comply with the nation’s adopted food fortification standards. To ensure compliance, Liberia’s first…

GAIN officially approves Sanku’s small-fortification device

Sanku and Project Healthy Children are proud to announce that after 3 years of rigorous testing, the Global Alliance For Improved Nutrition (GAIN) has officially recommended the use of the…

PHC is finalist for CLASSY Award

After a five-month evaluation process, PHC has been nominated as one of five organizations out of thousands of applicants at this year’s annual CLASSY Awards. CLASSY Award winners represent an…

The Washington Post, Giving What We Can, and The Life You Can Save Recommend Project Healthy Children to Donors

After a nearly year-long vetting process and extensive research and interviews, a group known as Giving What We Can (GWWC) selected Project Healthy Children (PHC) as one of the four…

Food Fortification Standards become Mandatory in Liberia

PHC is pleased to announce that this week Liberia published its revised food fortification standards, making the import and production of fortified food products (including wheat flour, cooking oil, sugar,…

Sanku Innovative Fortification Awarded Grand Prize by Ashoka Foundation

Project Healthy Children (PHC), a non-profit organization that provides technical support in the design and implementation of countrywide food fortification programs, proudly announces today that its small scale fortification initiative,…

Food Fortification Standards Declared Mandatory in Rwanda

This week, Project Healthy Children had what we all agree was the most significant day in our history. On July 3, 2013, the Rwandan Ministry of Trade and Industry officially…

National Fortification Launched in Tanzania

National fortification was officially launched in Tanzania on May 16th, 2013. We had the privilege to finally present Project Healthy Children’s small-scale fortification device to His Excellency, Dr. Jakaya Kikwete,…

photo of thousands of golden corn kernels

Significant Milestone Hit in Rwanda’s National Fortification Program

Rwanda’s national fortification program hit a significant milestone this week. The Director General of the Rwanda Bureau of Standards, Mark Cyubahiro Bagabe, expressed optimism that food fortification will not only…

Rwanda: Fortified Maize Flour Product on the Market

After five years of collaboration with the Rwandan Government and local industries, PHC is pleased to announce that MINIMEX, Rwanda’s largest maize flour producer, has launched its first fortified maize…

photo of sugar cane stocks with sun setting in the background

Malawi: Fortified Sugar on the Market

Malawi has officially launched its national food fortification program, an event that has been building momentum since 2003. With guidance and support from Project Healthy Children, Ilovo Sugar – Malawi’s…

Fortification Standards Approach Gazetting in Malawi

With the start of the New Year came another monumental step in the fortification program in Malawi. The new standards, drafted to set the level of vitamins and minerals in…

Malawi Spreads the Message of Fortification

Malawians all over the country are now learning about the importance of fortification thanks to the work of the Consumer’s Association of Malawi, or CAMA, who has been working closely…

photo of African man's hand holding corn

Rwanda Formally Adopts Fortification Standards

September 22nd marked a significant milestone for Rwanda’s efforts to implement a comprehensive national food fortification program: the formal adoption of Rwanda-specific fortification standards by the Bureau of Standards for…

photo of man in his 50's or 60's surrounded by bowls of grains and food supplies in a Honduran market

Honduras Enacts Food Fortification Law

After spending more than 10 years in Honduras working closely with the Ministry of Health to effect change in the nation’s fortification practices, PHC is pleased to announce that recently…

PHC An nouncesCompletion of Quality Assurance and Quality Control Laboratory at SOSOMA Industries in Rwanda

PHC is pleased to announce the completion of a quality assurance and quality control laboratory at SOSOMA Industries, a local fortified supplementary food producer, in Rwanda. With the support from…

photo of various grains of different colors and shapes set into the formation of the seven continents

Significant Milestone Reached in Nepal

After three years of hard work, Project Healthy Children (PHC) reached a major milestone in our efforts to reach the one billion people who are severely malnourished and have no…

photo of thousands of golden corn kernels

Malawi Formally Adopts Revised Fortification Standards

February 18th marked another significant step in Malawi’s efforts to develop a comprehensive national food fortification program: the formal adoption of revised standards for sugar, edible oils, and wheat and…

photo of a boy in Malawi sitting on a bicycle and smiling

Malawi Sets Technical Standards for Mandatory Fortification

The country of Malawi achieved a major milestone by passing the technical standards for mandatory fortification of refined sugar, raw sugar, edible oils, wheat flour, and maize. The fast-tracking of…

Rwanda Sets Comprehensive Fortification Levels

Rwanda reached a very important milestone this month by setting comprehensive fortification levels for six primary staple foods, and covering nine essential micronutrients. Following a series of National Fortification Alliance…